PWN Vienna Coffee Talks - Leverage Cultural Diversity

23 March 2023 18:30 - 19:30 Online - Zoom


In a diverse environment, the number one struggle is to understand behaviors, habits, reactions and communication patterns of team members, employees, managers when these differ from ours

By adopting a mindset that allows us to effectively communicate across countries and cultures as well as within diverse teams  we are able to establish relationships that last and to create a safe space of mutual understanding and a company culture built on trust.

This Coffee Talks event will be hosted by Martina Jeric-Ruzovits, Business Coach and Communication Trainer. 

During this event participants will learn to read between the lines, communicate effectively to reach their goals and improve communication with diverse teams by looking at values, habits and ways of working.

The key is to get to know the others better, learn about their culture, their ways of working and communication as well as their values and where they come from. This will help participants become more aware about the differences and similarities, and how to avoid faux-pas and improve communication with some simple steps. It will release stress as people will know how to communicate to reach their goals and will understand others better.

This will be an interactive event, so be ready to contribute to the discussion!

Registration closes on Wednesday March 22nd.


See you there!

PWN Vienna Social Events Team

Please note that group photos and videos are usually taken at these events and may be published on the website and social media channels run by PWN Vienna and PWN Global. If you do not wish to appear in a photo, please let us know at the event.

Event details

Online - Zoom
Member price
€0 per attendee
Non-member price
€10 per attendee
[javascript protected email address]


  • Mrs Martina Jeric-Ruzovits
    Business Coach & Communication Trainer Cross Cultural - Communication Academy VIEW PROFILE

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